Duty of Care to Your Injured Employees
As an employer you have an obligation to ensure that your employees are protected from health and safety risks arising out of their work activities.
In the event that one of your employees sustains a workplace injury or illness it is your responsibility to assist the injured worker with seeking first aid or medical treatment.
An injured worker is entitled to nominate their own treating doctor or medical practitioner who will be responsible for a medical assessment of their injury, providing them with a medical certificate and medical treatment if required.

Duty of Care to Your Injured Employees
As an employer you have an obligation to ensure that your employees are protected from health and safety risks arising out of their work activities.
In the event that one of your employees sustains a workplace injury or illness it is your responsibility to assist the injured worker with seeking first aid or medical treatment.
An injured worker is entitled to nominate their own treating doctor or medical practitioner who will be responsible for a medical assessment of their injury, providing them with a medical certificate and medical treatment if required.
An employer must notify WorkSafe ACT as soon as practicable on 02 6207 3000 or 02 6205 0200 if they are given notice of a serious event in the workplace that:
- Requires or could require the employee to be hospitalised
- Involved the death of a worker
- Resulted in a worker being incapable of work for more than 7 days
Early Claims Notification Requirements
It is important that you notify your insurer of any work-related injury or illness within 48 hours of you becoming aware of it.
To notify a work injury to please contact us on (02) 6189 1050.
If an employee suffers a serious injury or death, your company must also notify WorkSafe ACT immediately on 02 6207 3000 or 02 6205 0200.
How to Lodge an Insurance Claim
To lodge a workers compensation claim you need to:
- Complete an Employers Report of Injury Form
- Ensure your worker completes an ACT Workers Compensation Claim Form and you obtain an authorised Medical Certificate from the injured worker.
- Forward the completed ACT Workers Compensation Claim Form, authorised medical certificate and Employers Report of Injury Form to your insurer within 7 working days from when your injured worker submitted you with the signed and dated ACT Workers Compensation Claim Form.
- A Statement of Witness form will also need to be completed if this applies.
Please contact us on (02) 6189 1050 to obtain copies of the relevant forms you may be required to complete when lodging a claim.
You are encouraged to maintain contact with your injured worker and your insurer to ensure all parties work together to achieve a successful outcome.
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